HappySmile EZ Form Dental Trays

HappySmile EZ Form Dental Trays
  • Views: 56459
  • Brand: HappySmile
  • Product Code: EZ Tray (Pack of 3)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £8.99

HappySmile EZ Form (Make At Home) Teeth Whitening Trays

(EZ Form Gum Shield)

Each order contains 3 mouth trays (1 upper, 1 lower arch and one extra)

HappySmile EZ Form Dental Trays are the best "instant" trays you can purchase as they were developed for tooth whitening and are very popular. Excellent results. Very easy to use.


IMPORTANT: Please bookmark or print off the online HappySmile mouth tray instructions to keep for reference. You will only a need a pair of scissors & hot water to form them. Very easy to use.

HappySmile EZ Form Dental Trays were developed to be used with all types of dental whitening peroxide and have been used by thousands of customers worldwide for the last 20 years.

HappySmile EZ Form Dental Trays are of a high quality and are very easy to make at home. Simply use our step by step guide. No Labs needed.

Our prices are also very affordable too and includes FREE delivery in the UK.

Thank you for shopping with HappySmile Dental Products. Please tell others about New HappySmile (UK).